
A Change of Scenery


06-03-2013, 02:27 AM
Winter had begun to make its entrance to the land of Alacritis. The temperature had dropped, wind currents weren't welcomed as they had been in the spring and summer, and life that was evident in the trees and surrounding shrubbery ceased for the upcoming season. It seemed as if everything was at rest, sleeping without wanting to be disturbed. However, that didn't last very long.
She didn't know why she had arrived at Wolfpaw Lake. After being used to the very cold climate of Glaciem and its surrounding territory, the grass under her paws felt weird indeed. Although it wasn't alive and cold from the frost, the soft cushion beneath her mitts was different. Eria hadn't been to many other parts of this land, so as she found her way near the South, she took in everything she saw. If this travelling experience ended up being a nice one, she would consider coming back. Light ocean blue eyes roved over the trees that were bare, the grass covered in a light layer of snow, and felt the cool wind stroke her fur. Winter was a nice look for it, in her opinion.
When Eria's dark form stopped, she turned and looked straight ahead. A lake was seen, wide and beautiful. At this time of the year, it had started to freeze. A thin layer of ice was forming as she continued to pad in that direction. Once she got close enough, she stopped and reclined to her haunches. Looking left and right, she placed a paw onto the ice and pressed down. Obviously, the ice wasn't thin like she thought. She scoped the rest of the lake to see any cracks or breaks. None were seen and that suited her fine. She pushed off with her hind paw and went sailing across the lake.