
The mind of a healer is ever filled



4 Years
01-29-2015, 04:00 PM

Nona dragged herself back into Abaven lands once again as the smell of home flowed through her nose as she let out a breath of joy. Her muscles ached though from her return trip with the many herbs she had gathered. Nona knew she was safe to just let herself fall over onto her side and listen to the rapids for a bit as she tried to regain her strength. Allen's smile kept dancing in her mind and the thoughts of all those she had not been able to care for while she was away came rushing to her which made her ill in thought. Nona lifted her head as much as she could and let loose a howl to the sky for Bass. She had to apologize for her long absence but would she be able to do so and would he even accept it. The thoughts worried her quite a bit.

She would slowly start to shift herself until she could sit up a bit as to not look like she was about to take a nap right there. Hopefully Bass would arrive soon enough to greet her and maybe help her carry the herbs she gathered back to her den. Nona was really feeling the weight of being tired from the journey back and from some of the injuries she had obtained. Allen was going to have his work cut out for him now that he would be the one to tend to her injuries and not the other way around. Perhaps Bass would be the first to try his paw and tending to her injuries but she didn't really know what was going to happen however.
