
Hi, my name....


01-29-2015, 08:10 PM

Honey sweet words would pull her gaze from her son to the last woman she ever wanted to see. Eyes narrowed fractionally as it became abundantly clear that this was the woman her son had knocked up. She could see the pleased surprise on the womans face, but didn't take it to heart, the dark wench could die for all she cared. Her son had such poor taste in women.... "I hadn't realized you stooped so low." Words dripped like honey from her dark lips, a sneer lifting her features as she spoke to her son, though looked directly at his whore. The silver woman was not one to be subtle. Her son's whore would speak of Viola, pulling a chuckle from her throat. These maybe her grandchild, but she had no doubts that her own children would surpass them, especially know that their lineage was soiled. A second babbling child would lower her gaze as he exclaimed that she was had his markings. A smirk would adorn her features. But his sister seemed to have other ideas, claiming that their eye dots belonged to Valentine. "No, little ones, you have my dots. And for that, you should be thankful." At least they had the benefit of displaying her good looks rather than something distinguishable of their mother, and she would happily make that clear.

Angelus would continue to taunt her daughter, something that would probably end badly for him, her daughter had quite the temper. Valentine would make introductions. Evangeline, Seraphim and Angelus. Perhaps if they followed in the correct paw steps they could be great. But her daughters outraged lyrics would pull her from her thoughts, coral gaze landing on her little demoness. The girl was hell embodied. She would spite angry words, threatening to expose them all to her wrath. Oh her daughter would be something great. She would become the perfect weapon that could be unleashed on their enemies. Already her child was ready to rip in her niece and nephews, something that would have to be fixed so long as they all remained loyal. But she felt herself swell with pride at her daughters audacity.
