
Let You Down



06-03-2013, 06:17 AM

I met an old man,

dying on a train,

No more destination, No more pain

He said, "One thing before I graduate:"


"I promise. I swear. I'm not leaving again. I mean it. I'm here for you."

Would he ever know how realized she was too hear that? How much it put her soul to rest? She knew her mate - his word was his bond. He would stay, and their family would be once more what it ought to be. And no, it wouldn't be easy. When in the history of either's life had it ever been easy? But so long as they were together, they'd make it through.

As if to cement that in her mind, Crusade was given a loving lick. A little rumble came from the she-wolf's chest. Half sigh, half whine, and she leaned into him again, her eye closing.

Then came the sounds of little pattering pawpads, and then Cross's shout of delight. He was a funny child - sometimes going for days on end without saying a word and then suddenly squealing a hello or spouting out some lecture to his siblings on what it meant to be a 'big wolf'. For all that though, he was still just a pup - as his face plant into the bottom of a snowbank proved quite nicely.

"Oh Cross," she sighed with a smile and a shake of her head. She gave Cifer a sideways look that rather clearly said 'This is your first born son, dear. He gets it from your side of the family.'


"Never let your Fear decide your Fate"