



3 Years
01-30-2015, 01:23 PM
Spring was a beautiful season a mix of colours gave the forest more colour rather than if it was summer or winter. Venturing through the area, Pandia had awoken with the taste of adventure upon her lips. Nimble paws carried the slender frame of the dame swiftly through the domain while attentive ears rotated to locate anything that would potentially become a threat and deep alluring amber orbs watched the path before her well build yet slender frame.

This new land was quite prosperous even though it was autumn, birds still chirped as they busied themselves with building nests or what ever avian creatures did during this time furthermore, there was still the odd rabbit bouncing around so pray was also still available for now. As the dame continued with her long strides gate she took these factors into account and imaged the spring and summer live here, she had to admit it sounded heavenly.

Her wandering mind was soon plucked back to reality as her nose picked up the aroma of markings stopping in her tracks she tilted her head slightly as she allowed her nostrils to absorb the aroma, there was no mistaking it now there was defiantly a pack near by and by these markings she assumed the alpha was female. At her conclusion a low snarl vibrated in her chest cavity simply from the idea that was female was queen of these lands. Reclining upon her rump she pondered the pro's and con's of asking to join this pack, she needed a place to stay somewhere safe to sleep and hunt surely she could endure some brute tossing out commands left right and centre? A soft exaggerated sigh passed her maw as she came to her conclusion after all there maybe potential that she could stir some cash along the way.

One she had decided she rose to her paws once more and tilted her muzzle to the heavens, parting her mandibles a soft symphony poured from her vocals to send a message to the alpha that she stood upon his border.