
this bitch is gonna burn


01-30-2015, 01:48 PM
Cataleya would make a quip at Dione's tall joke and Dione would smile, she had after all lived in Cat's son's pack and seen her husband so did know what tall was her her mind. It didn't mean that Dione didn't know what 'tall' was just that she still classified Cat in this category.  Cat would get right to the point, asking why she was here and Dione's gaze would immediately harden and she would snort slightly. "Unfortunately I am no longer apart of your son's pack. I am here for my gain I suppose you could say." Dione would say, shoulders lifting and falling in a lazy shrug before she would sigh and shake her pelt out, how how did one go about telling a mom that her son was useless. "I come with news and possibly a proposition. Your son and I left on mutual terms, I was too cold and secretive for him and he was too open and… Soft for me. But we agreed should we ever require each others assistance we would help each other. I would like to extend this offer to you as well great queen. I am starting a pack of my own soon, mostly for hoodlums and weirdos like myself who are sick of getting judged and mocked and just want to wreak havoc upon this sad hell hole we call life." Dione would speak, her words eloquent and easy as she frowned and pursed her lips. Did she want to say more? Yes… Yes she did… "Before I left a red woman named Sibelle came to the boarders saying Valentine was her nephew and that she didn't want to cause trouble between him and his mother… He offered to let her stay…" Yeah fuck it she liked him but not that much and he was the one who had bitched and complained that she had kept too many secrets and how it harboured distrust.