
Visions Are Seldom All They Seem


01-30-2015, 02:12 PM

(OOC: I'm not too sure where he is staying right now, but lets say it's like one or two "lands" away ;3)

It was rare that he wandered at all from his mother. But sometimes he did, and sometimes he went a little too far. He felt helpless without his mother, but he was always filled with a hidden curiosity of... well everything. He was fearful of the one's that didn't look like him, being raised in a den for most of his short life. But he had met a variety of wolves that were called "normal" though none of which were "different" like he and his family. Of course, he thought blue and green was the normal until he went to that meeting. Maybe there was no normal in the world.

He came to a sandy surface, though he had never seen sand before and was frightened but curious by it. It was warm from the sun, but he thought it was just the ground. If he had even seen sand before, he wouldn't know this was the same because it was black. He walked slowly with a bit of hesitation in each step until he came to a standstill and moved his paw around on the surface interested in how it moved around. He dropped his head to the ground to shuffle his nose into it to see if the smell could tell him what it was. But it was no help. He took a seat, still not aware of the water nearby but wasn't sure if he wanted to keep going.

Maybe he should get back to mother...

Walk "Talk" Think