


01-30-2015, 04:14 PM
Name: Genesis Armada

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Appearance: The beast seems average in size and shape, at 34 inches tall and one hundred twenty four pounds. The only things that seem to be the most noticeable are his shredded left ear and the deep gash on his face. Although not torn off, the ear is shredded so badly that it almost renders Genesis half deaf. The gash, instead of ruining his looks, makes him look more handsome than ever, in an eerie way. The gash begins at the right side of his jaw, and curves up to his cheekbone in a graceful ark. It isn't a scar, really, rather than a rip in his flesh and skin. Genesis' gums and teeth can be seen, the gash never really healed enough to conceal this. And when he speaks, some wolves may prefer to look away from the gash.

Genesis has the same ash gray fur, silky and more course to the touch than it had been as a pup. In some places, the fur is lighter, suggesting scars that have long since healed. The fur around the gash is parted, the male unable to do anything with it and others not wanting to because of the idea that they might touch the wound. If it were not for the boy's markings, his pelt would be nothing special. Instead, blue hued markings wrap around his eyes, going towards his nose, and reaching up so his ears are coated in the same color.

The beast's eyes are like coals in the fire, burning at any time of day. If the light catches his eyes right, they almost seem like they're glowing and more red than anything, Flecks of darker and lighter amber are scattered throughout his eyes, making them seem more like fire from close up than anything else.

Personality: Genesis is still convinced of his father's power making him better than anyone else, always acting like he is the son of a king that everyone respects. If he wants something, he thinks that he can bring up his family, and he will be given whatever he wants without a fight. If that doesn't work, Genesis will try and break the wolf into nothing with words alone, hoping to make them give whatever he wants to him. The last tactic the beast will use is fear and force, making the wolf submit until they agree. Although, by this point, Genesis will just go ahead and try to claim the other wolf as a slave. Genesis is also a traveler of nomadic nature, never settling down and finding somewhere to live for more than a night or two. He has several litters outside of Ala, but he never agrees to keep the pups, leaving the night they're born and never coming back. With this fact, it's obvious that Genesis is not a good father to any pups, and he will probably never be a good father.

Genesis may find a female that is worthy of him claiming her as a mate, although he will most likely have had several pups from other females by then. And, if his love for her fades, he will leave, like he did to those with pups he sired. If it does not, then Genesis will stay with her for as long as he lives, or until it does. During that time, he will protect his mate and pups with every bit of strength he has. Towards his pups, the beast will not be friendly, never claiming them as his own. This may lead to some bad feelings toward the male.

Genesis wants greatness, and for the Armada family to be strong and respected like it once was. The male will be on a journey to gather all of his family that feels the same way, and create a pack that the other leaders will surrender to. And, of course, he wants to be the leader of this pack.

Plans: He'll have too many litters that shall never know their father, and try and claim a pick someday. Also, the two wolves in the roleplay sample may be traveling with him.

RP Sample: The smaller wolf didn't dare meet his amber gaze, her head down as she stared at the ground. Genesis tilted his head, speaking to her. "Little lady, are you afraid of me? Of this scar?" The pup glanced up, at his face, and then lowered her head again. Night was falling quickly, but the pup's parents would never wake up. Genesis spoke again, glancing at the sky. "Don't be afraid. Your brother trusted me." That was true, but the pup' brother was older, barely a year old. That was a lot older than the little three month old pup cowering before him. The oldest pup was not his, with no coloring or markings belonging to the Armada. But this pup, this little three month old pup, was. The brother was waiting impatiently nearby, and Genesis grabbed the pup. She went limp in his jaws, curling up into carrying position. When he turned around, his amber gaze met the brother's green one. "Wait.....You look like my sister. Same markings and eye color...." The older brother seemed to realize what had happened, and lunged at Genesis. Dropping the pup, the Armada rose up to fight him. Blood splattered the two, until the older brother yelped and pulled away, holding an injured paw. His green eyes were defiant as he glared at Genesis. Racing forwards, the Armada pinned the male down.

"I won't help you if you fight with me. And I don't think your sister would like seeing you die right in front of her. Unless you want her to see that?" Genesis muttered, and the older brother shook his head. "Then stop fighting with me." The smaller male went limp, and Genesis released him, grabbing his daughter. "Come with us if you want." The male muttered to the yearling, who sighed and followed him. "So, where are we going, anyway?" Genesis turned towards the yearling. "Where I used to live."