
Tally Ho!


06-03-2013, 07:44 AM

[Image: champion_wanderer_by_kidrylm_writer-d641iq6.png]


A growl rumbled out of the she-wolf's lungs as the male danced away in the barest nick of time. Beginer's luck. "Just wait! I'll have your tail for a hat!"

The male dashed off, seeming so certain he could get away, but then, he was forgetting that she was the Beta of these lands. A poor one she would be if she did not know them well enough to cut off one errant male. She did not spring up behind or beside him, no, Champion darted away at an angle, letting herself become lost in the mirad of trees and ferns, going instead, along the dry, crumbling bed of a bygone stream, and snaking a rather straight path through that maze of forest. She knew the way the male had gone and it was not hard to, after a half a minute or so, leap up out of the stream at just the right bend ? land right in his path, blocking it as completely as a boulder.

"Alright, greyhound, hold up for a sec. I called you because I think it's time I show you around." The mammoth turned her head a few degrees to the west. "So come on, run this way." That was all she said and then she was off again - leaping the back back into the creek bed, taking one stride and then leaping straight out. She might as well have been some ungodly cross between a bear and a deer. But a second later she was rushing off through the woods again, leading the way through the obstacle course of roots and ferns and hollows.
