
If There Was Time


01-30-2015, 10:39 PM

The girl had been laying around in the den all day, or at least  most of the day so that when she went out the sun will still set pretty high. She walked down to the water after jumping down from the entrance of their ship. But as she looked down the shore and towards the woods beside it, she was really hoping to spot Lian to join him in whatever he was doing. But she saw nothing but maybe a few birds picking through the snow hoping to find themselves some lunch.

Armai was probably still inside doing whatever... Or maybe she was just wondering around outside. Zola would flick her neck around to make sure that her sibling was not sneaking up behind her. Sometimes you didn't care for your siblings, but Zola hated hers.

She would look down at the water before taking a seat beside a couple rocks. This is where she told Lian that she truly loved him a few nights ago... And promised she'd never leave him. But when could they take their leave? Zola didn't want to leave too early in an effort to keep her family stable... but she wanted so desperately to be free of her new brother and sister.

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