
Don't You Know


01-30-2015, 10:57 PM

The girl would take the space her mother gave up to jump up beside her and try to place her smaller paw on top of Jian's. She gave her a smile to show her how truly happy she was that she was getting better. Zola had no preference of personal space so she had no problem being as close to her mother as necessary. The only time she cared was if Armai or Calder tried to touch her in any way.

Jian would ask a few questions, Zola obviously seeing her eager answers as her mother almost didn't breathe between her sentences. Zola would smile even brighter and raise a brow to her mother's voice. Not because she asked of Lian first, but because he was the much more happy of the matter. Or at least she felt closer to her brother than her father, especially after the demons were born.

"Well, Lian got in a fight a while ago but... He's all better now." Knowing that her mother probably had more questions on the matter, Zola made an exaggerated inhale before continuing, "He said the boy stared at him or something, I don't know." She held a tone as if she were saying, "I will never understand boys," and most likely she never would. Cat fights will be something in her future, but she wouldn't provoke anything that could scar her.

And then the matter came to Lel, who she would look blankly at the wall for a few seconds before taking another breath. "He hasn't been mean to us." And really, Lel did everything a father should. But Zola was so caught up on her hatred toward her siblings and blaming him for every bit of it, she couldn't see the good he did for them. Of course, if Lian had grown ill, Zola would lay by him every day either until he was better or she was dead. She didn't understand why Lel didn't do more for his mate; especially his sister.

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