
into the woods

Cassius 1


3 Years
01-31-2015, 03:43 PM

Into the woods,
It's time to go,
I hate to leave,
I have to, though.
Into the woods-
It's time, and so
I must begin my journey.

The white half of his face was dingy, dusted with, well.. dust. His tongue was dry and stuck to the roof of his mouth, his fur was a mess - sticking in every direction possible except for the correct one. His tail hung slack between his hind legs, and there was an obvious crick located about four inches from the tip where he'd injured it only a few weeks ago. He imagined its would always remain kinked like it was. It didn't matter much anyway - not to him at least. His pace was ragged, steps uneven and uncertain. His ears lay flat against his skull, not out of fear necessarily but because it was their natural position. Fear was his natural state of mind. He moved toward the orchard instinctively, as if his feet knew where to take him better than his mind. Perhaps they did. Bottom jaw hung slack, allowing an inch gap between canine teeth to draw breath through. He sucked in air greedily, as if it somehow might give him strength or courage. Eyes of leaf green gazed dully ahead as he noted the trees were full of fruit. It wasn't meat, but it would do for some source of sustenance. Head hung low as his nose struggled to locate a fallen morsel. It took only moments to find one, an apple. It gave instantly under the weight of his jaws. It was softer than he would have liked, but it did offer valuable moisture for his dry mouth. He slumped to a lying position and chewed lazily on the core of the apple, ignorant of anyone who might be lurking nearby.
