
such a haunting melody


01-31-2015, 04:27 PM
Despite settling her new home nearby still the forest would call to her and in response the woman would answer, flitting and frolicing through the trees like the sprite she so resembled. A cruel smile would layer itself across inky lips as she lept through the underbrush, fleeing the colorless world she lived in to the darkness of her beloved forest. It always held such gems, just treasures and adventures. A smile would twist and curl along her lips, growing wicked with each bound and leap. She was silence, passing little more then a whisper, marked forever in the memories of the trees as gnarled boughs reached down to grasp at and pluck at emerald fur. She would leave tuffs behind. Allowing herself to become one with the forest. She was here for no particular reason today, belly already full from a meal the day before, wretched deer, she hated deer. Most meats tasted foul to her now a days only the flesh of her own kind really stating her hungar.

A scent would dance upon the winds, tantalizing her senses as she inhaled. Hears would flitter to try and understand, it smelt of deer, wolf and blood but it was moving. Was someone moving a carcas though the woods? Her brow would furrow, head lowering as the tiny nymph would slowly slip through the underbrush, each paw lifted and placed with care. Hmm? A man... Missing a leg but wearing a pelt made from the carcass of a deer... Curious. "Dont you know monsters lurk in these woods?" She like whisper, it was not a warning but simply a statement, did he know the queen here did not take kindly to strangers?