
into the woods



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-31-2015, 05:44 PM (This post was last modified: 02-05-2015, 10:41 AM by Epiphron.)
Setting this before the pack meeting, I think~

There was so much for her to do, and so much for her to consider -- and yet all she found herself thinking of was the past.

Of Maverick, and of her children, the few she had not seen in some time. Where had Quintus and Cassius gone? And where had Arian wandered off to? A sigh left her parted lips as she dared to venture from the territory that she now controlled. Restless paws would carry her away from the sea, toward lands that barraged her with a nostalgia that was overwhelming. There was a rare sadness in her step as she went, allowing herself to relax as she grew assured that she was alone. Minutes turned into hours as she trekked back to a place she had grown familiar to so long ago, and she found herself wandering aimlessly through the orchard, temporarily mesmerized by the pungent aroma of fruit and flowers.

Her attention was broken as the scent of another wolf reached her nose. Nostrils flared as she tasted the scent. The familiarity was stunning and it took her a long moment to bring back the memory as she paused mid-step. Slowly she would redirect her steps, her mind growing cloudy as she remembered. It had been so long, and though she knew exactly what he had been like as a child, so much time had passed.. she didn't know what she ought to expect.

Eyes grew wide when she saw him. Her son... the shape he was in was appalling, and yet she was not totally surprised. Cassius had always been a meek boy, so timid and fearful, that it was only expected that he would not thrive on his own. Her heart clenched at the sight, a whimper unconsciously falling from her lips. "Cassius Leif!" came her gentle exclamation, her sweet lyrics dripping with emotion that was reserved only for her children. With little hesitation she would rush forward, aiming to embrace the skinny thing, wanting to nuzzle into his neck and take in the familiar scent that she had not known for so many seasons now. "My son, I have missed you..."