
you already know what you are



10 Years
01-31-2015, 10:39 PM

There was an unusual hop to her step as she went, an enthusiasm that the quiet woman rarely displayed. Though they had never been mistreated under Jupiter, they had still been prisoners... and restricted freedom was never something that was pleasant for anyone. She worried that her sons' social development might be somewhat slowed, that they were too cautious and kept to themselves more than children typically might. Despite her worries, she knew that things would only get better from here on out, and that sent a feeling of giddy joy through her. Normally calm, she'd suddenly grown restless and eager to stretch her limbs and to roam freely as she once had.

As she passed by Psalm, having not been paying much attention to the scents in the air, she nearly jumped as he sprung out at her. Some of Novel's fear had seemed to rub off on her, though she had always been a bit cautious. The surprise quickly faded, giving way to a look of pure love and adoration as she smiled at her son's sudden appearance. "I didn't realize you'd followed me," she noted warmly, watching him as he began to walk beside her. He seemed so free, so relaxed -- it was a refreshing thing to see. "Isn't it nice to leave home again?" Their restricted freedom wasn't something they had discussed; though young, the boys had known it hadn't been something pleasant and they all seemed to give off a more pleasant aura now that they had been told they could go as they pleased. As much as she loved her home, she loved the outside world too, and it had felt far too restricting to not be able to go beyond it as they desired.