
With Eyes Wide Open



5 Years
01-31-2015, 11:14 PM
Walk | Talk | Think 

He surprised her by not immediately jump back for a second time but actually pushing back into her touch, accepting it and seeking more. She whined and offered him all the consolation she could, wishing it was enough though she could feel by the shaking of his sobs that it was not. Neither of them knew what would be enough to stop it, to make him feel okay and whole again, and she had not the slightest clue how he had possibly changed into the side of himself that she had taken in. It baffled her, and made her immeasurably curious about how he had possibly ended up like that to begin with. If she had known, she likely would have been more help to him now.

The sound of her sister's voice shook her and drew her gaze, her attention, and suddenly she was conscious of the picture she posed with her adopted son. They were a mess, and rightly so, and possibly worse since Anais could feel even more helpless tears welling up seeing and hearing the concern from Lior. "I...I don't know what happened," she mumbled, "he's not...the same." How else did she explain it when she was still struggling to understand herself? He tried, in his own way, to explain the issue, the problem his thoughts - no, memories - were causing in his mind, and Anais thought she knew then, a small spark of hopeful understanding lighting within her bright eyes. "He needs to forget again," she spoke up, her voice a little clearer than before as she finally felt like she was getting to the heart of the matter. Maybe all he needed to do was forget again.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.