
Your sentences rose high


02-01-2015, 09:58 AM

She was perfectly content with the lack of attention towards her, only Frith and Novella truly noticing that she was there until a boy came along. This boy was familiar indeed and not necessarily in the best way. He questioned her being here and she ducked her head to hide it, as if it would make a difference. Then another wolf, one who had heard her singing, came over and asked if the both of them knew each other. She slowly raised her head, trying to keep her calm no matter how hard it was proving to be. "H-He h-heal-healed my s-sho-shoulder." The words were terribly stuttered which made her cringe a bit as she searched for a reprieve of social interactions.

Luckily this reprieve was presented to her in a timely fashion as Novella started to speak. She talked about numbers growing and then announced that she was pregnant with Frith's children again. Hecate made a mental note to congratulate them once the crowds had cleared. There had been only a brief glance to Hecate and she was thankful for not being placed out of the group as the new kid. After that it was all pretty boring, announcing new ranks and new allies. Frith then stepped up to speak, announcing that leaving pack lands was dangerous - lucky for Hecate she had no plans in stepping off Threar territory any time soon. With those words finishing up the alpha's speeches, she sat there awkwardly.