
Ma Lumi�re


06-03-2013, 12:21 PM

Mahniya was a tiny, dainty thing. She was comprised of slender, lithe muscle, built for endurance rather than brute strength, her torso was deceptive and she could fight well when properly motivated... but it was rare she displayed such a skill unless commanded, but compared to Rogue's family she was hardly a threat. They towered over her, monstrous in their size while she stood at a generous thirty-six inches. She was nervous and she was frightened, she didn't think that her mating with Rogue would be approved and she had no desire to cause a rift in the family. A part of her wanted to flee, to never appear and vanish into the frosty white snow to become the phantom, the shell of the wolf that had once been a slave. She was good at that... but she loved Rogue, she adored him with every broken piece of herself and for some unfathomable reason, he had chosen her, and that trust was not something she cared to break, so when he had called for her, she answered, and with every beat of her limbs her heart grew more laden with lead. They would hate her, she was used, she was filthy, she was unworthy of their bloodline and she knew that. She didn't deserve Rogue's love. She felt the weight of every task, every duty, every assignment ever commanded of her. Public humiliation, torture, she would drag their good name through the mud and by the time she had reached her mate, it was all she could do to breathe out the few words she had, pressing gently against Rogue for comfort.

Rogue wasted no time in telling his sister, his tongue brushing her cheek and shyly she looked away, a small smile tugging at the corners of her maw, his easy tone and laughable demeanor visibly calming her, her muscles relaxed if only slightly, her tail for the first time brushed out behind her, she remained silent but her blood colored eyes would look to Crusade, watching her for her reaction. Shock seemed to be the primary reaction from the woman and that seemed to linger probably longer than it should have. Fear settled in her heart, her body drawing wire tense, bracing herself for the venom, the hatred that was sure to spew her way. She had anticipated the worst and at this point expected no less, her gaze would lower, a sign of submission, it was instinctual, second nature to her and she returned to her slave-like antics now faced with someone so much greater than she. She should not have been so selfish, she should have told Rogue to find someone truly worthy of his love and his affection. Two words would spill from the woman's maw, but nothing more. A shiver would trace her spine that had nothing to do with the cold.

A moment later, Gargoyle would appear and before any of them could move to make a sound, he was speaking... to her of all people and the steeled tone that would escape him, shut her down. Crimson eyes slid shut, her head lowered, dipping beneath the level of her spine, her tail curling inward, to linger between her thighs and believing the words a hesitant step backwards was taken. She fought the urge to bow, remembering that Gargoyle's first lessen to her would be to stop such nonsense. "I... I have displeased your Grace, I apologize." The words were stuttered, broken, fear laced in her voice as she fought the urge to simply run... but she loved Rogue and if he had asked her here than she would stay, so long as he still wished her at his side, she would stay.
