
If There Was Time


02-01-2015, 10:51 AM

Zola was startled by her father's voice, but slowly moved her head to face him before looking back at the shore and pulling her ears back, looking a bit sad. She wanted to face her father. She wanted to tell him that he let her and Lian down, that he hurt her more than anything ever could, to tell him that they wanted to run away... But she couldn't. She couldn't face him, and she couldn't run away. She could live with a guilt of leaving her family even if it was hell. Though she didn't know Lel planned to have even more children away from Jian. She couldn't have a baby every season...

So instead of trying to tell him off or just crying to the fact, Zola would say what really was on her mind, or at least what was before her father made a surprise visit to her.

"I wanted to go out with Lian today but... he already left."

Her nose remained pointed to the sand even after she spoke. Maybe the fact that that wasn't all on her mind was making it's way to the surface, or maybe she was just being really good at her semi-act. She couldn't tell, but she also didn't know.

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