
Hold Me Like You Do

Mercy I


5 Years

02-01-2015, 01:24 PM

"I've got you and I'm never leaving you again."

Mercy let out a soft breath, knowing that he was right. They had each other now and there was no reason to be so upset about the passed. She had him here with her, and would forever cling to him. She hummed softly as he nuzzled further into her pale coat, relaxing into him until her body felt like it was connected to his. Mercy was just so happy that he didn't blame her for what happened, that he didn't hate her cause she ran away. That truly was love. Pausing in her thoughts, Mercy's ears pressed against her head as she thought about that word. Love. There were many different kinds of love, the love of family, the love and respect of a leader, and the love of, well... lovers. But what love did they have? She knew that he was family, but Mercy felt a true connection to him that she hadn't with anyone else. Was it because she had loved him the longest in her year on this earth? Because she chose him to be with her? Blinking her purple eyes she was pulled out of it when her other question was answered, and she giggled softly at his teasing words. He always knew how to make her laugh when she felt her worst. Her ears perked forward as she laughed, allowing him to nibble on her ear softly. Raising her right paw she tried to boop him on the nose, her smile sweet as she searched his face.

Mercy laid there in the silence that spread between the two of them, enjoying it for a moment. As she gazed at him she wondered again with what kind of love her brother loved her with. Their bond was different than ones she had observed, and she didn't really get it. Was it because she didn't really understand the emotion herself, or the bond that her and her brother shared? Her mouth opened to ask, but she snapped it back shut again as her gaze left his face. What if he thought that she was crazy for thinking like this? Huffing, her head whipped back around and she held his gaze, almost daring him to look away at the intensity of her gaze. "In what way do you love me?" She asked, searching his face for any answers. She knew that it was kind of a vague question, so she wiggled a bit before letting out another huff. "Like... what kind of love do you love me with?"

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.