
all of the ghouls; come out to play

Mercy I


5 Years

02-01-2015, 01:48 PM

She saw the poor girl jump at her bark, and her face twisted slightly. She hadn't meant to scare her, which is why she had made a sound, but the pup seemed to be quite edgy. But as soon as the girl looked around and saw Mercy, her tail began to wag and she flashed the pup a grin. See, she wasn't that scary after all. As she flopped down the girl went on to say that she had been looking for deer to hunt, and Mercy let out a soft laugh. "The deer here are really big and bulky, black with big horns! They are pretty big and scary, and they are called buffalo. Not even I can take one of them down all alone, but if you want we can do take a peek at the herd." She offered. The buffalo had scared her when she first got here, she ha never seen anything like that before. She didn't question why she wanted to track one down, the poor girl was probably just looking to be useful, much like she had when she first came here. Perhaps her and this child were a lot alike.

At the puppies comment about her looking like someone, her smile grew. "I have a brother here named Revenge, I'm his sister, she said, wondering if this girl had met her brother. When she spoke her name with such pride the girl flashed an even wider grin. "Well its a pleasure to meet you Bellona Aurum Armada." Mercy giggled, repeating the dolls whole name back to her. When asked for her own name so politely, it brought up her interest in Bellona. She didn't have those kind of manners when she was her age. "My name is Mercy."

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.