
*�.�ღ Hallelujah ღ�.�*


06-03-2013, 12:31 PM

They untangled themselves from their web of fur and limbs and Mahniya rose to stretch, her front end arching down, claws flexed and scraping against the stone as she stretched out her lithe bodice, spine popping back into place before she righted herself. Her jaws would part in an exaggerated yawn and she would shiver, shaking the dust and debris from her pelt before her gaze returned to her mate. Her tail flickering almost absently between her legs as she watched him. A smile would cross his maw, he nudged her and bounded away, confusion settled upon the dual colored dame. What was that? Some kind of trick? Some ritual she was unfamiliar with? Was it a sign of affection or perhaps he was trying to get her to do....something? She stood, head cocked like a curious bird but she remained still, standing where she was, what exactly did he wish of her?

His words came playful but the meaning behind them was threatening, her muscles would tense instinctively as he leapt towards her again, what was this madness? What did he wish of her? She wished to please him, she loved him, of course she wished to please him, but she wasn't sure what to do, uneasily a few cautious steps were taken and suddenly he was racing away from her, leaving the woman rather dumb founded and at a loss for words. He wanted her him? What was she supposed to do once she caught him? Frowning, but not wanting to displease him, she forced her limbs to unfreeze, setting off at a heavy gallop, chasing after her love.
