
Hold Me Like You Do

Mercy I


5 Years

02-01-2015, 07:30 PM

It took a long time for him to answer, he stumbled on his words as he finally got it out. She couldn't help but smile and blush at his words, her elongated tail thumping on the earth. He asked how she loved him, and it was her turn to fall silent. She realized that it wasn't an easy question, but his answer wasn't really what she was looking for. "I love you the same Revenge, and I care for you way too much to let anything happen to you. I feel so close to you, and when we don't see each other for a long time I feel the need to be beside you again. I just..." she broke off, the skin under her cheeks burning hot as she tried to find a way to formulate her words, "I don't see a lot of other siblings out there who care as much about each other as we do. Maybe its because we've been through so much already, or maybe cause Mother loved Father way more than he did to her... I'm just... I dunno Revenge." She woofed, letting out a long sigh. Turning and snuggling into his coat she tried to hid her face as her mind reeled. What was it that she was getting at anyways? It wasn't like she was questioning how much he loved her, cause she knew that it was limitless. She had wanted an example of how he loved her... like how a brother loved a sister. But there was something in her that made her feel like her brother carried something a big stronger than her. He was always more devoted to her than she was to him, and she would be stupid not to see it. That is what she didn't understand.

Mercy squirmed about again, letting out a groan as her head started to hurt from all the thinking. Leaning back to meet his gaze that put the sun to shame, she returned his sheepish smile. "I guess what I really needed to ask, is... do you love me like a Daddy loves a Momma?" Her words were whispered silently, her teeth biting down into her lower lip. She felt like the earth stopped moving as the air seemed to rush out of her lungs. This was no easy question either, but Mercy wasn't an easy-going girl. She was tough, and strong minded. She didn't skip over the main problem and cover it with sunshine and rainbows, but instead got right to the point. And this was a point that she needed to make, a question that she needed to be answered.

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.