
That's right, I said more babies


06-03-2013, 12:43 PM
~ Azzy

Personality:She is kind to the bone, but strong and determined like her mother. Her name suits her well due to the fact that when others are around her she brings a peaceful sensation in the area. When she needs to be assertive she has no trouble doing so, she can think out solutions with no trouble at all. Her kind nature dose have a down fall to this, some males will look at her as a weak female due to her size and personality. This makes her vulnerable just a bit. Don't get me wrong here she can put up a good fight if needed to.
Appearence:Serenity stands at a small height of 25" and weighing only 76 pounds.Her base color is a stunning white, but she dose have light grey markings on her also. One spot is around her right eye and on her right ere is gray. She also has her front left paw grey. Her eyes are stunning red with blue around the pupil in the eye. Her tail is shorter than normal due to that she was born with it.
Alliance:Neurally good
RP sample:The summer breeze swooped into the den as Serenity opened her eyes. The tasteful summer has arrived and this was a blessing in her eyes. She was born to a wonderful family, in a wonderful pack. Serenity opened her eyes that sparked like a mornings due as the sunlight stuck her. For a small thing she was surely stunning, and sometimes can be fierce. As she begun to wake up a slight yawn escaped her maw. She was not tired at all, the reason to yawning is unknown.

Coming to a stance the dame made her way out of the den and into the golden rays that brightened the day for them.Her eyes gazed across the land watching life blosom before her eyes. Small rabbits have just came out of their dens, new life was a delight and she only wished more could see the world like she did. Full of life, and pleasantness. Yes Serenity knew that there were evil in this world, but did that stop her from seeing the good, no way. Her steps were slow and gentle so that they did not frighten the creatures that were relaxing in the sun.

Her ears perked up as a flock of birds flew from a near by bush and dispersed with in the air. 'What a sight'She thought ot her self as she followed the birds with her eyes. She was both fascinated and curious at the same time with this world. Her stomach growled as she started to walk some more, the dame did not mind hunting, she knew after all it was life. Serenity looked around the area to find something for a fast meal. Soon her eyes landed upon a stream, she could see the fish jump from the water. And that is where she will have her meal.

Serenity image