
Turn to dust or gold


02-02-2015, 08:10 PM

She would stumble briefly in her steps. Her pace was painfully slow, a limb interrupting her usual graceful movements. Blood seeped from her wound, matting her pelt. Enough time hadn't passed for the injury across her chest to full heal, it was deep enough that the slightest movements tore it open. Her sprained ankle was still tender that walking long distances caused pain. She still didn't know what had caused to leave pack lands so soon after the accident, but she had, she needed to get away. Anger caused her blood to boil within her veins, making her feel like she was on fire. Sucking in hair, she would take note of the pack scent that filled her nostrils. Abaven. Bass. Weary, detached gaze would lift, her movements not stopping until she had stumbled half way across the border. A faint smirk would lift the corners of her lips, coral gaze searching the area. "Bass." She would coo softly, more to herself than anyone else. She had not taken the fall well. A sprained ankle, fractured ribs, a gash that went from shoulder to shoulder and was deep enough to cause a significant amount of blood loss. On top of the series of others cuts and bruises. Her head had knocked around a few times on the way down the ravine, jumbling up a thing or two. But none of it had stopped her from finding her way here, though she wasnt entirely sure why she was here.
