
Pride Rock [open]



3 Years
02-02-2015, 09:01 PM
Of course today seemed to be a day that things weren't set to go according to plan and the theme would only continue as the fight started. Valentine wouldn't have really needed to shift much in order to affect Soliloquy's own initial attack and the rapid collision of the two males it was of course the smaller white man was the one that would come off worse. The jump at least saved Soliloquy's throat though it would still strike him squarely in his chest, it would leave him momentarily winded, balance faltering briefly from the impact. He would force himself to continue, correcting his balance, he would recover his breath fully soon though the moderate bruising would certainly give him a reminder for a few days.

To continue with this unlucky theme for today neither the stomp nor the bite would land where originally intended either. Paw would meet the ground rather than Valentine's toes and teeth would do minimal damage in comparison to what Soliloquy had hoped for. Unfortunately however there was little time to  debate over such things the fight was most definitely still ongoing.

He would seek to withdraw from his own pitiful bite attack, paws shuffling backwards slightly in a few tiny steps that would only move him around six inches from his previous position, weight and balance shifting with the movement as he dropped his head from Valentine's neck, now around four inches below it's original height. It was a manoeuvre that it seemed would save him far more than he realised for Valentine's teeth wouldn't find their mark upon Soliloquy's eyes or face at all, instead scraping across the last inch on the top of his muzzle leaving a scratch upon the surface. It would bleed, though the wound was rather mild and could have been far, far worse. The movements would save his paws as well, Valentine's foot missing it's desired target of Soliloquy's toes.

Throughout these events, Soliloquy kept his defences in place. Ears remained firmly pressed to his skull, eyes narrows and lips curling, wrinkling the skin around his face. His paws remained wide, toes spread and gripping upon the earth. His balance was readjusted to accommodate for the shift in his weight, knees bending to lower his centre of gravity. His chin was closer to his chest again protecting his throat. Hackles remained on end, and tail would shift slightly, moving to align with his spine.

Soliloquy would begin his next attack swiftly, attempting to align his head below Valentine's jaw in preparation for the strike. His weight would shift to his two hind paws, front paws lifting up off of the ground as he pushed upwards to reach and to put more force behind the attack, the top central part of Soliloquy's hard skull hoping to make contact on the left side towards back of Valentine's jaw, where the lower half of the jaw joins with the upper with the intention of breaking it.

Settling four paws more upon the ground, knees would bend to lower his centre of gravity and Soliloquy would adjust his balance again to spread it evenly across his paws once more, toes splaying and gripping the ground. Aiming to roll his head out and to his right, Soliloquy would tilt his head upwards, opening his jaws hoping to bite and grip the lower part of Valentine's throat. Soliloquy's lower jaw aimed at the trachea whilst the upper jaw would naturally wrap further around the left side of the throat, aiming to puncture the skin and potentially the trachea, a combination of this and the pressure upon the throat would hopefully cause some breathing difficulties.

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