
I'll tell you my sins


02-02-2015, 11:16 PM

Had they really been that close to the edge? Had he really just pushed his wife off a cliff? It all seemed to happen so slowly, his world seemed to shatter into a million pieces as he pushed just a little to far, just a little to hard and she tottered over the edge for a moment. Her eyes would snap wide, shock and surprise fluttering across her saucer sized orbs as a sound passed her lips before they would reach out. Immediately her jaws would sink into his neck, sinking deeply past flesh and fat into thick muscle but he barely felt it, acting completely on instinct he would reach forward, jaws flying wide in an attempt to grab her as well but he did more damage then good. Had he simply leaned back and allowed her to grab him and use her bite to stabilize herself they probably would have been fine but instead he rocked his weight forward to try and grab her and that was probably what sent him flying over the edge with her. They were free falling for what felt like forever and for maybe the first time in his life sheer terror arched through his whole body. Not for himself but for her, for his wife. Despite everything he loved her, that had never been the question, despite their arguments and fights he had never wanted this.

But there was nothing he could do. Not for her. Not for himself.

Instincts kicked in, training forcing his body limp even as a tear slipped from his eye, would this be the last breath they shared together? But despite the fact that they seemed to hang in mid air for an eternity it was no time at all, there was only seconds before they came crashing back to earth, not even time for an apology. His body hit with a sickening crack, his head snapping back as his chest connected first with the ground and he was sent into a summersault, gravity a cruel heartless bitch as she flung his limp form meters away from his wife. He couldn't feel anything when he finally came to rest and all he could smell was blood. So much blood. He felt nothing... Was he dead? For a moment his vision swam and then disappeared and he drifted out of consciousness. Eyes would snap wide a moment later, panic flooding through him. Upon his chest a gash had opened from the front of his right shoulder to the middle of his chest on the lower left side. Left shoulder had dislocated from it's socket and gash had opened over his right eye. He couldn't open it, when he did all there was was black. Was he blind? Did he care? No...  "Cat..." His voice was a horse croak as he tried to move, tried to move anything but there was nothing for a time. Again he would try and this time he felt his paws move and twitch. It felt like forever but he would roll himself to his belly. Fuck. Felt like cracked ribs too. Left leg was useless but somehow he managed to right himself, standing and hobbling despite the pain that arched through him. He needed to see her... Needed to make sure she was alive...