
Turn to dust or gold



7 Years

02-02-2015, 11:25 PM

No matter what he was preparing for her to say, he was not ready for what she had to say. Bass sputtered, flabbergasted at the very notion of that. He would never dream of harming Wren in any way, it would kill him if he ever laid a paw on her or his children. Gods forbid he did anything like that, he would be asked to be smited right then and there. "He what?" He managed to get out, the words a deep growl. He considered Cataleya to be an ally and a friend, and to think that her husband did something like this to her... shit, it made him madder than a hatter. "How dare he," Bass spat, his hackles standing on end as he practically shook from his anger. While Cat seemed to be rather still, her voice held such anger in it. "I hope you pulled him over the edge with you." The Azat was not a dark man, but he wished nothing more than to know that Kylar had gotten harmed as well.

The pale man watched as Cat rolled onto her back, flinching as he did. He remembered how much pain he had been in after his fight with the albino bastard, just moving hurt. Bass flopped down onto the grass beside her, eying her still bleeding chest. Huffing, he rolled his eyes and started to lap up the blood that now trickled down towards her throat. He grumbled while doing it, the familiar tang of blood on his tongue. "You got to take care of this so it doesn't get infected." He growled softly, lifting his head up to eye her pink gaze. When she said that she didn't know what she was doing here, his hackles settling as his shoulders relaxed. Bass' head lowered back to her chest, finishing cleaning up the wound before he rested his head on his paws. "Doesn't really feel like home over there right now, does it?" He asked softly, his golden gaze soft as he eyed the mighty Queen before him. She couldn't imagine how home felt now after that... he would have a hard time staying there too. He kind of felt honored that she had come here, that she thought of him as a good enough friend to come here. And walk passed his border... but that was a chat for another day.

When Cat asked him if he was busy with something, he blinked slowly at her. This was not the Cataleya that he knew, he had half the mind to ask where she was and who this was in her body. But he didn't, because her gaze seemed so... empty. Bass offered her a small smile, his tail beating on the ground a few times. "No, nothing at all. I'm all yours for the moment." He rumbled, flopping over to his right side flank as they lay in the grass. He sighed again, his gaze drawing down to her chest again. The bleeding seemed to slow, which was good. "Does it hurt? Should I grab you something?" He asked softly, trying to meet her gaze again.