
I'll tell you my sins


02-02-2015, 11:59 PM

Pain. It was beginning to hit him now. Everything hurt from breathing to moving to simply fucking existing in this wretched cold world. Cataleya had been and still was his everything, she was the only thing that kept him from drowning in his own mind and misery. Despite everything, despite all the shit he put her through, despite their ups and downs they had made it through and now he had pushed her off a fucking cliff. He had pushed her. Even if it had been unintentional, even if he had tried to reverse it there was no denying the fact that this was all his fault. There was a mixture of emotions that hit him as hard as a freight train when he heard her wheezing breath, when he saw her move. Relief was the first. she was alive. But then she was up, teetering on three legs as well, holding a paw close even as blood seeped from her chest. "Cat... I..." His words were a soft croak, blood dribbling from his lips. Had he bitten his tongue too?

It hurt him more then he would even say to see the absolute fear in her eyes as she gaze at him and back peddled away from him. His shoulders would slacken as his mind reeled with all this information. Part of him wanted to give her her space, to allow her the distance between them that she so desired but at the same time... Part of him told him, not shrieked at him that he would never see her again if he let her go. But what could he say? There was nothing he could say that would ever make this better and he knew that. He didn't blame her for her hatred, for her fear. He felt weak, useless. He wanted nothing more then to break down and cry, to beg and plead for her to stay but all he could do was stand there, staring at her, gaze pleading as he began to tremble. Left paw dragged uselessly along the ground as he attempted to hop a few steps closer. He wanted to help her, wanted to take all her pain away. If he could redo everything, anything to make this better he would. But... What could he do...?