
Turn to dust or gold


02-03-2015, 12:07 AM

There were very few wolves she would turn to for anything. But who could she turn to when the one who had always stood beside her, tried to kill her. She would not ever burden her children, nor expose her weakness to them. The silver woman had very few friends, very few wolves she could turn to. Maybe thats why she found herself here, beside the pale man who she constantly tormented. He was shocked to find out that her own husband had shoved her over the edge of a cliff. A faint smirk would lift the corners of her lips as he stated that he hoped Kylar went over the edge too. "You should know me well enough by now, that he went over the edge with me." Her voice was soft, uncharacteristically so. He would clean her wounds, pausing only to state the obvious. She would remain silent, refusing to acknowledge that he was right. Her own empire didn't even feel like home.

His reprimand would pull her from her reverie, eyes sparking faintly with amusement. "Yes, almighty one." It was a half assed attempt to be a smartass. His small smile was partially comforting, she had him for the afternoon. He would offer to get her something for the pain, but she would shake her head. The pain was the only thing that kept her rooted to this world, to kept her from completely losing her mind. Once again her vision would blur. For days now she had held in her emotions, refused to break down and let it all out. But now it was overwhelming her. Again the dark waters were threatening to drown her, to pull her under and put her out of her misery. "He pushed me." She would murmur so softly it was almost inaudible. Rolling back onto her belly, she would curl up, her gaze detached, lacking any of its usual luster.
