
i just might cry watching birds fly


02-03-2015, 12:12 AM

It was the nothingness that terrified him, it was the unknowing that scared him and eventually finally broke him. His eyes were wide, terrified, a burning sensation beginning in the backs of his orbs as he tossed his gaze back and forth madly looking for anything. And then she would appear. Maybe it was her scent that finally broke him, finally shattered his world world. Had he ever smelt her before. The trembling would stop as she appeared like a vision before him, drifting forward with wide eyes like she had so many times before. She would speak but they would fall on deaf ears. She would reach for him and he would crumple, folding like a child might at the paws of their mothers and sobs would rack his whole frame. He would tremble and shake as he tried to regain control, tried to force on that calm facade he had worn his entire life but as soon as it cracked it shattered, years of emotion bursting forth. The hurt of Secret's death, the betrayal of her howl for Kaios, the loss of his son, of his daughter. The anger and pain, the betrayal and abandonment of his goddess. The fraying lifeline he held to his sister. It all began to fray and disappear as he openly wept for the first time in his life the beast reverted to a child as he simply broke down. He couldn't function, couldn't do anything and there he would lie, wishing he could hurt, wishing he could feel the pain of his wounds. Anything would be better then the feeling that was building in his chest and threatening to completely destroy him.