
I'll tell you my sins


02-03-2015, 12:20 AM

His words invaded her ears, pleading softly. It registered only briefly. He would never hurt her. He couldn't. He loved her. She kept him from completely shattering under the weight of the world. He supported her in everything, stood beside her as her silent knight. And now it was shattered into a million little pieces. He had kept her heart beating, had provided her with the unexplainable feeling that was love. Together they had created children. They had made it through everything. Illness. Death. Fights. Falling empires. Elimination of enemies. But he had pushed her. He tried to take the vey breath from her lungs. He had tried to take it all away. For the first time in her life, she was completely lost. She didn't know which way was up anymore. Drawing in a shaky breathe, she desperately tried to regain control, to force aside what had just happened and brush it off like any other fight, but she couldn't. He had betrayed her.

He would shuffle towards her, causing her to flinch. A low growl leaving her lips. Her battered form would shake uncontrollably, her upright position swaying to the point of collapse. The fear that she felt was suffocating, threatening to end her life right then and there. She had never been afraid. Not since the day her parents had abandoned her. She had looked death in the face, she had taken down enemies without second thoughts, she had spilled blood with no remorse. She wasnt suppose to be afraid. A sob would wrack her frame, tears finally spilling and wetting her cheeks. Legs would give out beneath her weight, sending her down into a bloodied heap. "You - You pushed me!" She would accuse him, words high pitched with pain she couldn't even begin to describe. After everything, he had pushed her. Such a simple act, that had caused so much damaged. Darkness would cloud the edges of her vision, as she huddled on the ground, defensive even in her pitiful state. She would be damned if she died like this.
