
I'll tell you my sins


02-03-2015, 12:59 AM

He wanted to crumple and fall to her paws as he had at Secrets but she would not accept that, he knew that. But really… What could he do? There was nothing, this was his entire fault. She would snarl, growling and shaking as she craned her body away from him as he attempted to close the distance between them. She was shaking and then… A sound foreign to him gasped through her chest,  a sob wracking her form as tears began to pour down her cheeks. It hurt him more then any of his wounds to know that he was the reason she was crying, that he was the reason for all of her pain both mental and physical. She would collapse after a moment but he would not go to her as much as he wanted to, as much as every fiber of his being screamed at him to go to her. For a moment he would stand, trembling as he hung his head. Words hit him harder then any physical blow and it dropped him onto his haunches, reclining into a seated position as his whole form began to tremble uncontrollably.

”I know…” His words were choked, drenched in pain and sorrow as his head drooped under it’s own weight before he would finally crumple in a useless heap. There were still a few feet apart but it felt like a thousand. They couldn’t touch but as blood seeped from their bodies it would move downhill and slowly mingle together in a pool between them. ”I… I can’t even say I’m sorry. It would never been enough. I would never pompously hurt you Cat…” His words were harsh and pained, croaked out even as blood continued to seemingly pour from his body. He was feeling light headed, the blood loss getting to him but he couldn’t let go now, he couldn’t let her leave even if they had to lay in this crumpled heap and talk it out. ”Please… Let me help you..” He would plead. He didn’t care about himself but he needed to take her pain away.