
With your wine stained lips


02-03-2015, 01:26 AM
Alacritis harbored nothing for the beast. He had no one there but his sister Cataleya, but even she wasn't much of anything. Last time he had spoken with her, she had been trying to convince him that he could find a place in her pack but Demyan being Demyan wasn't keen on the idea. He taunted her and tried to talk her out of it, but whatever had bitten his sister had possessed her enough to make her want to start a pack where she had to try and co-exist with other wolves, ignoring their need for blood and death. The titan couldn't see himself doing that ever. His killer instinct was far too ingrained in his bones for him to try and change his ways. Not only that, but other wolves tended to piss him off with their blatantly stupidity and he wouldn't be able to control himself around a group of idiots without snapping a neck and ripping a trachea or two out. So without any form of goodbye the beast had taken to the outside lands, disappearing from Alacritis all together. His sister wouldn't miss him, being wrapped up in her new plans for world domination. The girl he'd saved all those seasons ago never returned, having gone back on her word to the demon, abandoning him. He had fathered no spawn so there was no real reason to hold him back from leaving. So he did. Nikolai, his companion, stuck with him for some time before the feline decided that it was his time to part ways. Demyan let the feline go without a fight, having rather liked the feline's company while he had it.

Much of his time away from Alacritis was spent alone, simply killing to his black heart's desire. Blood, guts, bones, decapitated heads, oh it was glorious for the monster of a man. But there was one thing missing; Cataleya. For as much as she annoyed the shit out of him, it was odd going on killing sprees without her. They had grown up together, killing their way to where they were now and to go murder innocents without his partner in crime just felt off. He could do it just fine when the moment suited him, but doing it for so long without her awoke an ache for his sister that the titan didn't really get. If there was any ache for her, it was always for carnal pleasure, but not this time. He had been separated from her for so long that he was actually starting to...miss her. Who would've thought, Demyan actually missed his darling sister. Not only that, but he was rather curious to see how her whole pack plan had turned out. Had she taken over the entirety of Alacritis and made all the wolves living there her little bitches? That would be a sight to see. So with curiosity and an odd ache for his sister, the hellion would make the trek back to Alacritis, interested to see what his sister had been up to.

Powerful limbs would pull the massive beast through the vaguely familiar lands, cyan eyes cutting through the darkness that blanketed the land, nostrils flaring as he hunted for Cataleya's scent. It didn't take him long to locate it, at the pace that he was moving through the lands. Her familiar scent would tease his nostrils in the west and he would zero in on it, following it to some plains that he vaguely remembered having visited while having lived in Alacritis some time ago. As he moved through the plains, her scent suddenly became overpowering and he knew he'd found her pack. Her perfume was everywhere, telling him this was the pack border. But since when did he care for rules, especially his sisters? Without so much as a care the vagabond would pass on through the border, sending up a deep boom of a call for his sister, not caring who heard him. He didn't care who else knew that he was there, as long as his sister knew. If anyone came to stop him from seeing her, there would be hell to pay. Salmon tongue would lash across his incisors at the thought of ripping into of her little pawns. Wouldn't that be fun? Gaze would dance from side to side, searching for her familiar silver figure, the organ in his chest picking up speed as her scent became fresher. Would she be glad to see him?