
Turn to dust or gold


02-03-2015, 01:51 AM

He would remain silent, moving simply to embrace her, his skull resting across her shoulders. He would ask if there was anything he could do. And for a moment, she said nothing. Right now, all she wanted was to be held, to be loved. To feel like she wasnt so horrible that the only one she loved could push her over the edge of a cliff. She would press into his side, tipping her head so that she could look at him. Eyes would darken as she leaned a little closer. A grin would slowly stretch across her muzzle. How long had it been since she had been touched? "Maybe." She would purr. She would peek up at him through her lashes, mischief mingling with lust. She would seek to press her nose to his cheek, a seemingly friendly gesture, if not for her underlying motives. Tongue would snake from between her jaws to lap tenderly at his throat. Seeking to press against him, she sought to absorb his warmth, to lose herself in his musky scent. A low growled mingled with a throaty moan. It had been far to long. After all that happened, she just wanted to lose herself in the carnal pleasures that life had to offer. She wanted to forget everything. To forget that the man that had loved had shoved her carelessly over a cliffs edge.
