
Break Free


02-03-2015, 11:35 AM

The girl wasn't used to seeing her younger brother but in the den. Unlike Armai, he kept his distance not because he knew how Zola felt about him, but because he actually wanted to. Zola didn't know that he could've felt the same way she did or Lian did, she was so used to Armai following her every footstep and just wanting to turn around and snap her neck.

To his abnormal singing tones came to the air, Zola couldn't tell he was trying to mimic his litter mate, but she could tell he was trying to annoy her. Her ears pulled back to his voice, but only a moment later she dropped her head to put her paws over her nose in an effort to keep anything but anger from coming out.

"What do you want?"

She spoke with a rather sad voice. At this point she just wanted to fall into Lian and cry, but he wasn't here. Her tone almost whined as she spoke through her paws but she just wanted to get this over with. She wanted the boy to get out whatever the heck he wanted so that she could have her few moments of life without them.

Walk "Talk" Think