
into the woods

Cassius 1


3 Years
02-03-2015, 01:36 PM

Into the woods,
It's time to go,
I hate to leave,
I have to, though.
Into the woods-
It's time, and so
I must begin my journey.

The sweetness of the apple was foreign, and he could honestly say it wasn't his favorite taste in the world - but it was better than nothing. And nothing was what he'd been eating for the last few days. He was pitiful, and he knew he was pitiful - which was even worse. Cassius Leif, the once born prince, lay limp upon the earth, lackluster - without a single purpose other than merely surviving. It would be his full name spoken, by perhaps the only being who remembered it besides himself. His mother. A split second later she was upon him, lovingly embracing him - her lost son. He shriveled under her touch, involuntarily recoiling - though there wasn't anywhere to go given his laying position. Ears lay back further along the contours of his skull as she voiced how much she had missed him. He had missed her, though the words didn't come. A whimper slipped out instead, one of uncertainty - of woe. This was not the life she would have imagined for him, beaten down and without any semblance of a spine. He was the perfect blend of two fine lines of wolves, and he had managed to sustain not one ounce of talent. He was a failure from the start, and he knew it. “I'm sorry,” he choked out, perhaps out of habit (for he was always apologizing) or perhaps because he truly meant it.
