
I'll tell you my sins


02-03-2015, 02:07 PM

He didn't move towards her, which was sadly a relief. His only movement was rocking back onto his haunches, his skull dropping low. His words were low, choked, as he admitted that he had indexed pushed her. She would inhale sharply. Part of her had wanted to be wrong so desperately. He was only a few feet from her, but he might as well have been on the other side of the world. His harsh voice would wash over her, she had once found the sound to be soothing. He tried to apologize but there was no use. He claimed that he would never purposely hurt her. But he had pushed her. Thats all it came down to. He had pushed her. But now he wanted to help her. She would shake her head frantically. She didn't want him close to her. He had tried to kill her.

Yet, part of her longed for his embrace, his touch, his comfort. He had always been there to take care of her when she needed it. "Why?" She would murmur, her voice shaky. Why had he done it? Why had he pushed? The blood that oozed from her chest made her woozy, she could barely focus on him, darkness continued to creep into the edges of her vision and it was becoming harder and harder to fight off. Deep down she knew that this was a fight they would never recover from. She would never find herself sleeping beside him without one eye open, she would never walk beside him without keeping one eye trained on him. Everything had shattered with a simple touch. Her mind would try and tell her legs to work, to lift her up so she could get home, but paws only slide uselessly against the earth, her legs like jello. She was stuck here. The realization of it began to dawn on her, coral gaze tipping upwards to search his face. Perhaps he would get his wish after all.
