
such a haunting melody


02-03-2015, 04:15 PM
Tiny nymph would regard him curiously, she did not seperate from him out of unease or discomfort it was more so she could regard him better, head tipping back so far to look up at him that horns would poke at her shoulder blades. He would speak, uttering a single common syllable that she would recognize and immediatly her ears would pick at the sound. She she looked to distance them for comfort he would rock towards her in desperation and she would allow it, allowing him to be near her if he so pleased. She would drop her haunches, allowing them to hit the ground before pushing her forelegs off the ground and pulling them into her chest so she was sitting upright and didn't have to crane her head so much. "The wolves here do not take kindly to those who do not speak the common tongue..." Her words were softer, a whisper as she leaned a bit to speak them to his ear. He understood, but how long had it been since he had last tasted the forigen language. She herself had not spoken her birth tongue since the disappearance of her parents. She hardly remembered it at all anymore...