
Let's adventure!


06-03-2013, 03:43 PM

Misty was back at the ocean where home was, she only happened to notice her mother and father had left to go somewhere. Who knows where, and she happened to see that Isis and Talon weren't with them so, now was time for an adventure!

Her paws left the salty water as she started hoping back to her den where she found Talon, but Isis wasn't around. Maybe her eyes were mistaken and she did leave with mom and dad. But she was going to make Talon come with her on an adventure since he never really wanted to go anywhere.

She entered the den, and looked at her three legged brother to prance at him and quietly prod him into leaving without mom and dad's permission. Come on Talon! she almost whispered in case Segar had wanted to come back for something, Let's go out and have some fun! Her paws had jumped up on his back, trying to make him come with her as she pulled at his ears with her teeth and jumped back up running to the entrance of the den. Her eyes scanned for their parents, but not even a soul was found. "I'll just go without you then." And she disappeared from the entrance of the den waiting for her brother to come along.


The two had left Seracia, and they were now wondering around the south lands. And of course of Misty didn't want to go to the swap lands, or the Grande, she wanted to go to the scariest place in all of Alacritis; the soulless forest. And so she looked up at the trees, it was early so the forest was more lit up than normal even though there was barley anyway for light to get in. And then she just started to happily trot into the trees like there was nothing to bee afraid of whether her brother liked it or not.
