
already gone.


02-03-2015, 09:35 PM

Completely unaware that she had been spotted herself, she would keep looking around to see if she could spot them first. "It can't be too fun in the dark." She spoke softly, trying to make her self seem even less threatening, though the boy hadn't seen her as such.

But just as she went to pick up her paw the continue to the next skylight, the boy would be spotted in a thin light from above. He was very dark, black and grey and had very evil looking red eyes. But his eyes didn't hold that kind of emotion, they were well hardened but from the little light after spotting his figure, she could tell he didn't mean any harm.

Her eyes looking directly in his should have been enough to know he was spotted. She much easier to see even if there wasn't light on top of her. She was mostly white, and brown was easier to spot than grey. "A memory." She would reply to his question. She didn't need a wolf to be here to make a memory. She didn't know that the cave let off hallucinations, but that would be enough of a memory for her... She traveled all over Alacritia for a memory or two. Here would be no different.

Walk "Talk" Think