
Turn to dust or gold



7 Years

02-04-2015, 12:01 AM

His question was met with silence, a quiet that he could easily follow in. His golden eyes fell closed as he just held her there, softly humming one of the songs that he would sing for his children. He laid with her, the only sound between them was the rushing of the river behind them, but all else was silent. He was glad that Cataleya felt save enough to come here to him, that this was a place that she felt comfortable... even if she did cross his borders without any means of a summon. She pressed closer to him, and Bass' hair stood up slightly at the contact. He wasn't used to this with her, usually when they were close she was trying to bite his nose off. But this wasn't the Cat that he knew before, she was hurt and just needed to be comforted. So he allowed it, not moving as he relaxed into her. His eyes snapped open when she stirred below him, lifting his head so that he got meet her pink gaze. The look he saw in them had his eyes shifting away, swallowing hard against the lust that he saw there. He knew that she was hurt, he got that. But Bass had a wife and kids, and he wouldn't harm them in any way. He couldn't be with Cataleya like that, not ever. Her soft, single spoken word reached his ears as her damp nose pressed into his cheek. It was a common enough jester, perhaps she was just thanking him for being here for her. But soon she was pressing kisses on his neck, and the growl and moan that left her maw had him slowly rising to a seated position. "Cataleya..." he started, trying to control his emotions. He couldn't help that her motions and sounds triggered his own lust, and he closed his eyes to try and hide that from her. She was not Wren, and he just... he couldn't. "I have a wife..." Bass said pathetically, swallowing again as he peered down at her. He couldn't do this, no matter how much she wanted it. He was upset that she was triggering his own carnal needs though, the want to please was still there. Him and Wren hadn't been together that way for awhile, how could they with all the little ones clinging to them? He wanted it, but he knew that he couldn't... do this.