
such a haunting melody


02-04-2015, 01:06 AM
Language was such a funny thing, so fluid and fleeting at the same time. Many languages did not cross over but bodies always had their own way of speaking, had their own way of getting the message across. Even before he had begun speaking words she understood she had gotten a vague idea of what he wanted to tell her, subtal body motions getting the message across well enough. But not he would speak in the common tongue, words heavily accented but the more he spoke the more his speech patterns would work themselves out. "Have you been unkind to the world my dear? It's still no reason for it to treat you so... Distastfully..." She would say as she dyed his malnourished and fatigued form. The deer pelt did well to hide it but she was not stupid, she knew a thin wolf when she saw one. He would speak again, complimenting her appearance and immediatly a brow would quirk in the utmost curiosity. "Thank you sir, it's not many who compliment me. I have been called everything from a freak to a mutant salad..." Words started sweet but as she recalled the taunts words would drip like battery acid from her tkngue, lips pulling back into a sneer as memories of the skull masked man and Daegmere flitted through her mind. "What langue is it you speak?" She would inquire, attempting to move away from the subject of her looks. She had never had any issues with being mocked or admired before her children but now... It simply felt strange...