
who's working the front desk?


02-04-2015, 01:24 AM
She had gone out on patrol in the early morning, leaving children with their father as she decided she would do a few laps around the territory. Those laps had turned into hunger which had pushed her into the forest once more to hunt her fabled monsters. Hunting was scarce but as always looks mattered, allowing her to slip and slither like a serpent around her prey before opening veins and artery to the air, spilling bright crimson to the earth. Then all she needed, all she had was time. There was no stopping the bleeding easily, she would push her prey to make sure that it could not stop to lick it's wounds, following the trail of red that it would leave for her. Tremor would ripple through her body as she ineviatbly found her prey laying on the forest floor, blood pooling at its back leg. So very perfect.

Mercy was not needed here but it would be given anyways as Dione moved to the monsters head, jaws slipping with practiced ease around the base of the skull, forepaws lifting to press against the creatures shoulder before a savage jerk would be given, pulling her and it's head up at an awkward angle until there was a resonating pop, one she could feel in her teeth. Blood stained jaws would part to drop limp fork back to the earth it would doin return too before sitting back and lapping that delicious crimson from her lips and paws. She would feast, ripping at meat, making the body as indistinguishable as possible before attempting to sever a hind leg at the hip. Her children needed to feast, to ingest this monsters strength so they too could be strong. Wickid grin would trickle across lips as she collected her prize and set off towards home. She would move back towards the shrine before dropping the hind leg one the ground and howling for her second son. Necrosis was her weakest. He needed to eat...