
If You Love Me Don't Let Go


02-04-2015, 01:51 PM

As Lian came to her side, she would shake her body a little, trying to get him a little more energetic too. She knew they would have to hurry before... Armai found them and tried to follow them around every where. She would look around at the shore and the forest near by, her neck craned high before she spoke anything.

"Well... I don't know." She would look at Lian a few seconds after to continue on, "What do you do when you go out?"

When Zola did go out by herself, she normally went to the shore just beside the ship and sat by a couple rocks there. She never went down the shoreline or into the woods, she always wanted to be in view of the boat in case there was any trouble. She wasn't paranoid like when she was a smaller puppy, but she didn't know what was out there. She knew a few wolves have been spotted by either Lel or Lian, or both of them. The boat was just confined enough to make her feel safe.

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