Tossing and turning in the heat of the South, you were lucky when you got to sleep. Archelaus had found it and now been unfortunate enough to lose it, his brother for some reason wanting to disturb the peace. He was still sleepy when he finally rose, slowly trudging out into the moonlight and certainly not the happiest of fellows as red eyes watched Bacchus. It didn't help when no immediate explanation came either, the darker of the boys suddenly turning and starting to walk away.
Archie was tempted to head back inside the den at that point, eager to head back inside. Of course though Bacchus would soon begin to speak, not the most thorough of explanations nor one that particularly thrilled the silver boy. "You woke me up to see the springs? The hot springs?" He hadn't spent much time around them at all, the name and the one or two warmer pools he had felt certainly not making him think the area was somewhere he particularly wished to be.