
These voices won't let you leave



4 Years
02-04-2015, 04:59 PM

He probably tricked her, but she didn't care. The male had told her to go here and leave him alone so she had. It wasn't a trick as much as it was an order that she listened to. She didn't know why she had wandered so far away from home either. Home, that was an overstatement, no place would ever be her home. Arian's paws stopped at the coast, as her crystal eyes seemed tired of all of this. She sighed, her senses had dulled leaving her completely vulnerable. It was obvious she didn't take care of herself, she was worthless and useless. She couldn't let them care for her either, because they wouldn't. Arian knew she would wither and die eventually, and it terrified her that it was happening. Stomach growling the freshly treated wounds on her back stung but she ignored the pain.

The woman debated laying on the sand or not, or maybe the wind would bury her alive. Arian curiously looked around for a moment though. The sun was well into the sky, the sand underneath her was warm too, and that warmth travelled through her even if she did feel like it was a unheeding feeling. Unsettling, undeserving, disgusting, her body was mangled and ugly. She shivered, she wanted to go home, she wanted to see her mother. Arian was no longer a child, but she had grown up too fast, and the trauma of those mud slinging bastards bore into her brain. They way they took advantage of her, the way she gave in. She would laugh, and act like she enjoyed it but after Vereux saved them. She was nothing left but a shell.

There was a shadow that loomed over her shoulder, waiting to take over. Those tired eyes began to scan the terrain, what was there here for her. A gruesome death that she was afraid of. Her heart started to beat faster, a panic attack with no one around. Her teeth clamped together harshly, making her dig her three paws into the dirt. Shaking her head back and forth she tried to focus herself again. Home, but, she would remain here, because she might as well have had no sense of direction.

"Talk" "You" Think