
Headstrong into the Storm



Extra small
11-03-2013, 09:35 AM

it was a long and considerably awkward silence given the fact that she merely stood at the older woman. Though, was that something to digest as wrong? Not necessarily--and so she did not. Tail gently swayed side to side--both in preparation to defend herself--though she in no way sought to attempt the harm of the other, for she had not yet posed a thread; albeit the fear she had instilled in the child. Youthful and innocent she kept her gaze unwavering on the tall girl and only made action when her words spilled out.

"It's fine. Please don't do it again," it was natural for her to assume it so easy to wave off a fear. Fal'dara lacked the ability to know that it wouldn't always be that way and though ignorance could be argued as bliss--the very mistake could one day have cost her life. Golden eyes turned and the child stared at her path. "...Uh..." eyes would dart around for a long moment not sure how to respond to the asking of the other. She wanted to be kind and show affections, but such a random question?

Oh! but the woman was her aunt! Perhaps it was easily believed that she wouldn't hurt her if that was how it was. Family could not harm one another for they were the bonds that had to bind, "Well alright then, please do come!" she wasn't entirely sure where she was going, but perhaps the other could sway her if there was something needing done. She just wanted to see the world.
