
Brotherly Love



02-04-2015, 09:22 PM
Ganja didn't exactly seem pleased to see him, but Toxin only rolled his eyes. She could be sarcastic all she wanted, he still thought he was smarter than her, and that's what mattered. If it stung, (which it definitely did not) it was his own fault for being weak. Maybe he ought to just leave, ask mother to take him monster hunting again. Maybe he just needed more hearts. Because he didn't ask to be mad all the time, it was just how he was made. It wasn't his fault he could never be nice to anyone, it was definitely Ganja's fault for not being nicer to him! Or... something like that.

He narrowed his eyes at his sister. She was being meaner than usual today, and he hadn't even done anything yet! "I just wanted to talk to you," he said in a gruff voice, not realizing that a pout had formed on his lips. For an instant he felt an aching sadness, but it turned in an instant to rage. She was stupid! She shouldn't be making him feel like this! What did he have to be guilty for? He wasn't around because his family was a bunch of buttheads. Mother said that this was going to be a pack where everyone was accepted, but his own family didn't even care about him. Ganja and Necro didn't want him around and Mother only wanted them to behave how she said they were supposed to. But Toxin wasn't mother, he was himself! Everything Valentine had said... He shook his head roughly, trying to fight back hot tears. Why did he think Ganja would want him here, anyways? "Whatever," he growled, turning on his heels and stalking away.