
into the woods



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-05-2015, 10:40 AM (This post was last modified: 02-05-2015, 10:40 AM by Epiphron.)
Epiphron wished to hold him still, even as he winced at her touch, figuring his movements were involuntary and not unwanted. She had searched for him, she had searched for all her children -- though this one, and Quintus, had not been found. Where he had gone, she didn't know, but a soft whine fell from her lips as she held him. Though he was fully grown, he was small and frail, like a child.

'Do not apologize," she uttered softly, her voice -- typically solid and strong -- full of sadness and longing. Oh, how she had missed him. The pain of knowing how he had been living, in his sorry state, suddenly filled her chest and left a hollow ache there.  "I am just glad to see you again, my child..." He was nothing that she had expected, and certainly nothing that she had hoped for, and yet a mother's love could not be broken by this; she had never stopped loving him and seeing him now only made her yearn for the time she had not spent with him... made her yearn to help rebuild what was left of him. Slowly she would shift, grooming the fur on his head rhythmically like a mother would to their young child, not caring that he was no longer a boy, knowing her care would only soothe him -- or so she hoped. Words were lost on her, and instead she would become consumed with the task of cleaning her eldest child.